Thursday, 6 August 2015

Can Mobile App Marketing Budget Crash your Company Finances?

Mobile apps are the next big thing responsible to bring the revolution after the arrival of smartphone devices in the market. There are many factors liable for success or failure of any mobile app. As internet is getting responsive, mobile apps of businesses are the flexible alternatives to stay connected and updated with the latest happening.


In the era of mobile-first m-commerce store, apps play crucial role in promoting the business. Mobile app marketing budget is one of the factors that affect its performance. Budget has always been a matter of concern for companies, be it a growing enterprise or a heavy-weight empire. A budget of mobile app development also includes pricing plan for branding and marketing strategies created for app promotion. Competing with millions of other apps existing in the market is really a tough task. Either your app needs to be unique and unmatched or your marketing strategy needs to be very powerful to sustain in the completion.

Advertising campaign includes information, like the market to be targeted, budget for the campaign, strategies and more, out of which, budget needs to be designed very intensely as, one mistake can toss the company finances.

Wise marketers often research the market prior to building unbeatable strategies. The next step would include starting the campaign with existing budget, which can later be modified, if required.

10 Big Questions Affecting App Promotion Budget:

1.Do you want your app to be in the top lists of app store?
2.Is your company financially strong to take big risks?
3.Is your team of marketers highly creative?
4.What makes your app stand out in the competition?
5.Is your app technically tested?
6.Do you use social media platform for campaigning ?
7.Is your app highly optimized?
8.Are you planning to promote only on niche app store?
9.Are you dividing the marketing campaign into pre-launch and post-launch strategies?
10.Are you willing to implement video marketing?

It is not always correct that “if you spend more on app promotion you can avail better exposure.” There are several cost-effective tricks that can be used for brand marketing through native apps.

I would place the cost-effective marketing strategies at the top of the list. Thus, by doing this, company’s financial planning won’t be affected severely.