Monday, 10 August 2015

Tips to Block Hackers Accessing your Online Store!


“Hacking” is the malpractice that the entire world of eCommerce field is scared of. The biggest shopping destination i.e. online market is in the need of reliable security standards to avoid frauds and offensive practices affecting eCommerce websites’ rep. Online shopping trend was developed due to the ease and efficiency offered by online stores to the shopping process. But what if, they are “hacked”? What about all the crucial details of the customers stored in the website database?

Hackers do not care whether it is an eCommerce websites or a blogging site while stealing essential and sensitive details like customer and business data. Ecommerce web solution providers need to take extra care of the security standards infused in the website.

Protecting eCommerce website is smartness more than an art! I have listed few tips that would help saving the website getting hacked or fraud.

Avoid Saving Unnecessary Data

Avoid Saving Unnecessary Data

All eCommerce website would ask for sensitive credit/debit card details while a customer makes the payment in the checkout process, but not all of them save all the details received from the customers. It is better not to save the details that are not required whenever a customer returns to the store. Details like expiry date of the credit/debit card, registered name, CVV number etc. must not be stored.

Saving the unnecessary customer data that is not required is strictly prohibited by PCI standards. It might be inconvenient for the customers, as they need to repeat the data filling process. Explain them the reason of not saving their data. Saving crucial details increases the chances of data theft. “If you don’t have any secrets within you, no can reveal it even”!

Test Your Online Store

Test Your Online Store

Ecommerce websites are required to test their security standards on a regular basis. It is one of the most crucial prerequisites of a successful ecommerce website. This will keep the hackers away by making your web store highly secure. It is important for online stores to adhere to PCI DSS compliance prior to initiate retailing.

There are possibilities that modern hackers might have infused vulnerability through advertisements or third party content. Consult ethical hacker to check the website and identify harmful elements, if any. Integrate security apps in your online store that helps scanning and identifying malfunctioning of the web store that might harm customer’s essential details.

Use a Secure eCommerce Platform

Use a Secure eCommerce Platform

Ecommerce platform, used for the online identity of your business, is very crucial. Today, the trend of using open source eCommerce platforms is ignited by the web development companies. But, professional developers need to consider the intense requirements of the eCommerce website and choose the development platform accordingly.

Magento is the leading eCommerce development platform used by millions of web developers around the world. It can easily be configured with the SSL. This platform is highly secure and takes care of various factors affecting the security of the website.

Upgrade the System

Keeping the system up-to-date is the best method to keep the system away from becoming a victim to cyber-theft . As soon as the updated version is released, web development companies ensure the eCommerce websites get upgraded for better performance. Online stores using the latest version of the web development platform, reduce the risk of developing security loopholes. No matter which platform you choose, it needs to be regularly updated!

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) of the eCommerce website reduces the hacking risk. Thus, its upgradation is mandatory for discarding the hacking possibilities.

Encrypt the Website Data

It is significant to clear up or encrypt all the communication done through eCommerce website as hackers might get the crucial details from the transaction related communication. Of course no one would like their conversations getting public. Emails, chat or any other communicational means should be encrypted to maintain privacy.

Even the passwords prior to storing in the database should undergo the encryption process. Encrypt the hard disk of the system to avoid the data loss when the storage devices are misplaced or stolen.

Train Your Employees and Customers

Train Your Employees and Customers

Being an eCommerce business owner, educating your employees and your customers is the best practice to save your online store from security malpractices. Train your employees for the worst situation that can happen along with the security measures that saves user data. Make your customers aware about various possible methods used by hackers to capture intense details like credit card details, passwords etc. and save them from becoming cyber victims. Teach them to differentiate a suspicious behavior against the friendly one.

Incorporate security laws and policies to avoid the situations such as website being hacked or data being affected through unauthorized factors.

Modern customers consider cyber security as the highest priority in the eCommerce websites. Online stores lacking security standards aren’t considered reliable. No online business owner would get happy if his business revenue generation is affected due to insecure online system and cyber theft. A robust security ecosystem can save online store owners by increasing their store popularity over the internet!