Thursday, 16 July 2015

How 3D Printing Revolutionizes Medical Industry


Have you ever thought of the era, where printing of the human organs, cells, tissues etc. would be possible? If not, prepare yourself for the most amazing and unbelievable invention, 3D printers. It is recently introduced in the market for commercial application. Printers that print 3D cells, organs and more, isn’t it amazing? It might sound like science-fiction, but it is reality. Scientists and researchers are working upon this new technology trend and trying to bring the biggest revolution in the medical industry.

3D printers have already entered the healthcare industry with numerous benefits. Limbs, hearing aids and other fixtures can be developed using 3D printed objects. The technology earlier allowed creating simple human organs, but the simultaneous evolution made this invention capable of even creating complex human tissues.

What can be printed?

Artificial Skin

Artificial Skin

Humans can receive artificial skins thus curing the skin diseases, burns etc. 3D printer can even print the artificial skin. Intense skin surgeries can become simple and more effective. Earlier severe burns were treated using the skin from the unaffected part of the body. But treating more affected areas were difficult. Artificial skin made through 3D printing can be produced faster as compared to the natural skin, which is implanted on the wounds or injuries. It can successfully replicate the human cell structure of epidermis. Computerized and laser-based printing method will make skin implementation quick and safe.

Human Embryo Stem Cells

Human Embryo Stem Cells

Now, it is possible to print the embryo stem cells that were earlier developed in a laboratory. These printed tissues can be used for creating important organs like kidney, heart etc. Scientists are working towards supporting an unbelievable reality, which is expected to revolutionize the medical industry. This invention could even make the drug testing process simple and easy. Reforming, replacing, regenerating tissues or organs is the biggest benefit 3D printing of embryo stem cells will offer.

Broken Bones

Broken Bones

Like other organs, even bones can be printed using 3D printers. This method allows ordinary people to build the prototypes of working models of the human ideas. The artificial and printed bones with biometric structures, varied by shapes and sizes of the bones, can be easily implanted into the human body. Tissue regeneration, new tissue creation etc. has become very easy using this ultra-modern innovation.

Blood Vessels

Blood Vessels

Yes, it is now possible to print blood vessels. As per the research, printed blood vessels and cardiac tissue sheets have been invented that actually beats like a real heart. Sooner this technique will hit the market strengthening the medical science with this new innovation. Artificial blood cells will save lives taking the technology to the next level.

Cancer Treatment

Cancer is one of the deadly diseases that affect human body severely. With 3D printing technique, cells can be created and used in developing therapies. This innovative modern technique helps scientists to research on the tumor cells in a structured environment and use them to test the medicines and drugs. The invention of 3D printers and printing techniques will help reducing the effects of this deadly disease.

Damaged Heart

Damaged Heart

3D printer can also be used to create a heart patch that can repair a damaged human heart. It is nothing less than a miracle. It is a computerized printing technique based on laser. It was tested on rats earlier that showed remarkable progress in the functioning of the damaged hearts. Thus, it was then approved to use on human hearts. It could repair millions of human hearts that suffered massive attacks. Human lives can be saved with this artificial heart tissue implantation technique.

What is Yet to Come?

3D printer will bring an unbelievable revolution. It would change the face of the medical industry. Artificial organs for the disables, printed tissues for the needful patients, artificial bones for injured or person with disabilities and more, isn’t it seems that technology have geared up to serve the entire world with innovative techniques bringing this revolution. The future of the 3D printing is packed with several benefits for medical industry. Saving lives will be quick and easy. 3D printing is the future next!

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

How Smart Entrepreneurs Manage Their Underperforming Employees


Not every employee can adjust and perform remarkably well in the company culture. The bitter reality is every huge company has best employees along with the underperforming employees. It takes the management skills of business owners that decide whether to manage underperforming employees as assets or let the company experience a downfall?

Factors like behavior, poor skills etc. are not the managements concern this might be the thinking of many business owners, but will it not affect the business performance? Obviously, it will. Such situations can be managed tactically. Considering their approach, floundered employees can be brought back to work efficiently through the ways mentioned below.

Ways to Manage Underperforming Employees

1.Provide Accurate Feedback

Prior to start criticizing the employee for their poor performance, give them the accurate feedback. Speak to the employee before the situation goes out of control and it affects work quality. It is better to drive their focus to the work by refreshing approach rather than reinforcing for no cause. Planning in the correct direction might save the employees getting poor performance tag.

2.Listen to them

Communication being a 2-way process, leaders should listen to their employees before getting judgmental. Allow them to explain the reasons and their point of view. Find out why the employee has stopped working efficiently as compared to their earlier performance. Is there any other reason, which stops them to flaunt their best skills? Understanding the problem is the key to successfully boosting the performance of employees.

3.Show Care and Concern to your Employees

If the corporate business solution finds an issue affecting several employees, company owners should solve it smartly. If an individual feels, he or she is overburdened with work; this might be felt by other employees too. This situation can be resolved by calling a meeting with heads of the department to discuss the working culture. Ask them to define the areas they need to progress and the strategies that are expected to be implemented. Then you can understand the facts and problems being raised by the employees and find the solution. Make your employees feel valued by solving their issues.

4.Find the Factors that Distract

It is very hard to find what factors are responsible for the change in employees working pattern. Figure out what is causing less performance by getting to the root of the problem. But improper diagnoses can lead to certain issues. Increasing pressure, if the employee is not putting efforts, might not help if the ability is the concern. If he or she is not able to work for the given job profile than pressurizing might the worst scenario. There might be several reasons like co-workers, company rules, difficult tasks, frequent deadlines etc. which would encourage them, not to work. Find such factors to resolve them as soon as possible.

5.Find the Factors that Motivate them

Once you find the factors that distract your employees and you find ways to resolve the situation, its time to find the factors that motivates them to work. Find their long term goals like where they would like to see themselves in next three to five years.

Motivation is the only key that helps employees to retain their work efficiency. This can be done by identifying the people who need performance boost. This technique will even help business owners to find whether the employees are provided with the correct roles and responsibilities.

6.Refresh Performance Goals

Rather than implying your own working methods and strategies in your organization, taking the inputs from your employees like how would they like to achieve targets, learn new skills or how they would like to improve will surely yield mutual beneficial results. Invite and engage your customers in developing methods that would motivate them for better work performance. Also offer them rewards like bonus or increment to keep their spirit of working, high.

7.Follow Up

A good leader is expected to follow up with their employees to avoid any further issues. This can be done once the goals are decided and strategies are made and followed to achieve these goals. Leaders should show interest in their employees work and help them achieve their targets. This will boost their moral and ultimately it would help a companys culture to progress. This behavior of the business owner will make the employees feel important and helps them boost their work efficiency.

8.React if Underperformance Persists

If the employee continues to underperform, the head of the department should notify them about this. Leaders can even inform their employees about the intolerable attitude and behavior. Departmental heads can even take some actions given the company rules and regulations. Such employees may even influence other hard working employees to behave the way they are doing. This kind of employee behavior should not be tolerated and should be tackled as soon as possible.

If you own an enterprise with such employees, the above stated points might help you to manage underperforming employees in a better way.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Top 5 Factors to Consider for Startup Success

Have you made up your mind to be your own boss? Is your business idea strong and powerful? If it is, there is no harm in moving ahead and implementing the idea. Improperly planned business might lead to a bad experience. You might be worried about several elements like funds, staff, contacts etc. to build effective strategies. This article would sail you smoothly through your new venture and would help your business get desired success.


5 Golden Words that will Change your Perspective


Here idea is the business idea, which would decide the future of your enterprise. All the successful entrepreneurs were at your place one day. It was the idea that drove them towards success.

But, an impressive business idea alone cannot help. Several other factors also matters. Startups seeking long term functioning, needs to build powerful business model and follow it diligently.


It is the passion that converts an idea into an empire. It fuels confidence, which ultimately helps entrepreneurs to brush up their leadership quality. It makes business owners earn trust and respect of their employees.

Passion imparts excitement to work upon the idea to build organized startup solution. Passionate entrepreneurs even encourage and guide the team members to work enthusiastically.


Developing contacts or building helpful relationship would help your business get popularity within short time period. But, how can you build helpful contacts? Well, building network is very simple; you just need to fix the area that you would require for better business performance.

Plan the strategies to build your network by attending professional conferences, collecting social media contacts, participating in forums etc. These are some of the methods to gather contacts, there are many more, depending on your business type. Build relationships that would help your business rather than obstructing your company growth.


Every startup needs a huge capital is just a myth. But this is equally true that a business without funding cannot survive for long. It is considered to be the soul of business. You can start your business with fewer funds too. The other alternatives include convincing the investors, business loans etc.

You can explore several options when the business financing is considered. Attaining funding requires presentation of your business idea in front of potential investors. Have faith and confidence to represent your business to make investors rely on your idea and help them set up your business effectively.


This is the biggest factor responsible for the success of a startup. If you have a better idea that can be relied upon for success, it’s time to make a business plan that includes information like business outline for forthcoming years.

Is it possible to check whether the direction you selected is correct? Yes, it is! Ask yourself certain questions like, which is the target audience, what products or services you’ll retail, how powerful the marketing strategies are etc. the answers to all these question will help you know the startup performance.

These are the top 5 factors that would help a startup to achieve success. Develop idea, make contacts, work upon it passionately, gather funds, and implement the plan; starting a business requires only these steps to be taken seriously to start generating revenue. If every step accomplished accurately, there is nothing that can stop you!

Monday, 13 July 2015

Prevent Your Startup from These Disasters!


Any startup meeting a disaster is something not actually expected. It often strikes unknowingly and unexpectedly. Just like any natural calamity, it affects the startup business most miserably. It’s painful when it happens, but it is the time when any entrepreneur need to think what went wrong that could have been avoided first hand. Having a backup plan ready before hand is the most important solutions any startup should be equipped with.

Majority of the business disasters are preventable if some preventive measures have been taken up at the right time. In addition, there are several effective and affordable business startup solutions to deploy that can help you achieve your desired objective. Let’s have an insight what those disasters are and the respective preventive measures!

Disaster 1: Stealing Other’s Creativity

Stealing Other’s Creativity

What if you try the above explained point with other’s idea or creativity without their authorization? This would affect your startup badly as it can accuse of breaching copyright of someone else. This could be the disaster of your life earning you bad publicity before you start the business and leverage the profits.

No entrepreneur would do this purposely, majority of the times, it is done unknowingly. It may happen that, you choose a name but it is already used by other company’s brand, though it was just a mistake while market research, but it could take your startup towards the dead end. Spend more time in market research to initiate the unique approach that can prevent your business meeting such disaster.

Disaster 2: Your Creativity is Stolen

You might be very creative, but what if your creativity is being copied before you use it productively? It’s a serious situation to think over! If you have an idea of the business and in cease to speed up the process you forget to follow the trademark process, you might face severe repercussions. You might have disclosed it before your partner or friends without a non-disclosure policy. This scenario would lead to such situation. Anyone can steal your product design or the whole business idea. Your competitors might even sell it to the other interested companies under their name and copyright. And this is how your business idea will no more be solely yours.

Analyzing the market completely to brush-up an idea is a good method. Don’t let your excitement rush in before the completion of traditional trademarking process, which gives your business a brand identity and prevents your business from getting copied.

Disaster 3: Improper Fund Planning

Improper Fund Planning

Prior to stepping into the market, pre-planning is mandatory. Business idea, marketing strategies, fund required are the crucial factors that needs severe consideration. Out of which, fund is the biggest aspect that keeps your business run flawlessly. The improper fund planning might affect the business performance, but this disaster is controllable.

Some sudden developments in the business might shake your business fund planning completely. While some situations might arise due to improper planning while building business strategies. You will not be able to pay your employees or important bills in such case. Monitor the startup’s expenditures carefully and ensure that you have fool proof plan to secure funds for your business from various resources. The enterprise functioning might go haywire, just because the planning, failed.

Disaster 4: Lack of Entrepreneurial Skills

If you think a startup just needs strategies, fund, and manpower, you are wrong. You need entrepreneurial skills to organize and manage the business. Not every runner wins the race, the same way, not every tech startup gets desired success. Business heads having both technical and marketing skills can take their startups to the next level easily, but those lacking either of the skills, find it difficult to run the business as they need to rely on their employees crucial decisions.

Entrepreneurs lacking entrepreneurial skills can degrade the business performance. Thus getting the complete knowledge about the business and the market trends would help the fresh entrepreneurs to take the company to a long journey.

Take action before such disasters affect your startup company. With just few preventive measures, you can secure your endeavor to move towards success. You can never guarantee success, but you can try up to an extent, which would protect your startup company from getting horrifying results.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Hidden Secrets Behind Every Successful Email Template Design

It’s high time in the marketing field to sustain in the furious competition. Email newsletters, may not be the newest method to target the audience, but it is definitely a crucial aspects that affects your brand identity. Email newsletters are used to promote your products and get buyers, visit your website. It can also be taken as the first impression of your business on your customers. So it has to be eye-catchy and convincing at the first glance, it is not, your email marketing campaign will become the biggest nightmare.


Are you thinking that only the design matters? No, even the content should have the quality to explain the objective of the newsletter. The decision, whether to close or whether to read the email newsletter is decided in the first five seconds. Can your email newsletter pass the 5 second test? If yes, congratulations and if now, get ready to make your email newsletters worth reading. Creative subject lines and attractive template design makes your emails noticeable.

This article will help your emails to stand out in the receiver’s inbox, which will ultimately increase the conversion rate.

Let’s get started with goal setting and rest aspects will follow it!

Set your Goals

First of all, if you have included email marketing as the part of your marketing campaign, set a goal. Decide, with what aim your company is willing to implement email marketing campaign. Is it for spreading awareness about the achievements, product promotion or whatsoever? Once the objectives are set and the target market is decided, now is the time to start the brainstorming.

Define and frame your idea creatively. It should be striking. Take help from team of sales and marketing professional to understand the latest email design trends. It should reflect your business personality, vision and approach. Collect the essential information like the innovative idea, attractive email design and quality content to build a newsletter that would simply make your readers fall in love with.

Wake your Audience Up

Time to give your audience something out of the box, but just the catchy subject lines is not enough. Nowadays personalized professional emails are trending. Who would not like to be addressed by their names in the business emails? For instance, “Hi Jack” sounds more convincing than just a simple “Hi or Hello” in the email content. With this practice, lead generation can be made easy. This method will help you build a strong and reliable relationship with your customers making your email marketing campaign successful.

Visuals Impact More

Try something different from the traditional email newsletter design format. Following the same pattern like every company does while creating template design is not compulsory. Cross the benchmark by staying away from the linear layout. Try new colors, designs etc. and leave a visual impact on your readers. Make them smile; make them feel valuable, by offering out of the box email newsletter. Do not forget to add relevant and relative content to the email design you built. Seeding the right approach will make the campaign effective.

Golden Rules for Email Template Design

1.Keep the files clean and tidy

We create two different groups in Photoshop files i.e. text and image. This way, developers get a clear idea when different elements are used together. If a PNG is used, it can be inserted into a different file while the text is inserted into the text file.

2.Keep the Design Consistent

To make the email newsletters look consistent, after you finish designing the newsletter, always create a new layer below the text to impose new elements, so that design does not look as if the text and images are overlapped.

3.Give Space to Text

Add the content in a clear manner; don’t let the important line break. Give space to the text to expand on either of the sides.

4.Add GIFs

Adding GIF to your email template design will make it attractive. It will allow your readers to leverage a delightful experience while reading the newsletter.

5.Keep the Design Horizontal

If you are using multiple columns of text, then keep the design horizontal. I make the debugging simple and easy.

Make your emails design template unique and creative to increase the chances of it getting recognized.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Customer Behavior - What does it Actually Teach?


Customers' online behavior matters to the overall business of any enterprise. There are several factors impacting the overall business performance and customer behavior is one of the most vital one. Be it an online or an offline business, buying decision depends on customer behavior. To study purchase decision, modern businesses conduct several surveys, which helps them design unbeatable marketing strategies in harmony with customer behavior. It is observed that customers avoid thinking much while buying products of lesser value. Market analysts research the market to find the factual data that would help building strategies to take business to the next level.

Let us learn about the customer behavior that can give a clear view about how a customer makes buying decision?

Need Based Purchases

What makes customers decide to buy products or services? Until they are in need of such product they aren't going to buy it. This could be the obvious answer. Actually, this is not true for every customer. It is applicable to special type of buyer that does not buy without a cause. This could be the first step of the decision making process.

Extensive Online Research Based Purchases

Once the situation is created, product to be bought is already decided. Now the question is which is a good brand to rely upon? The answer to this question is, are your customers buying the product for the first time or are they simply changing the product for better functioning. If they are buying the product for the first time, they need to research the entire market. But if they are changing the product, they might be aware some brands when buying the previous product. Both the cases require thorough research.

Internet is the huge market to find and buy the products of their choice. The biggest advantage of using internet to shop is, they get variety in almost every factor like brands, product types, price, quality etc. Who would go to the brick and mortar store and buy the products when the product can reach your customers in just few clicks? Even the current scenario of eCommerce development industry states that technology is the future.

Evaluation of Purchase Alternatives

This can be the next step of the decision making process. Once the customers decide the product and its features, finding its alternative is the next task. Which brand should be selected that fulfills their requirement list? The selection of the brand also depends on the buyer's persona. Some myths and beliefs attached with some brands may change the buying decision.

Customers can check the products by going to the store rather than harboring negative approach towards any brand. Such beliefs might be true, but not 100%. So making up the buying decision by just considering the customers reviews might not always be the right decision. Researching the market and zeroing in to the most suitable products is the best bet.

Purchase Decision

This final step includes post evaluation process i.e. purchasing. The product which is decided by the intense market research cannot be a worthless. You may suggest the products that would suit your customers' requirements. But it is the customer who has to think about which product to buy. Product suggestion is just the part of the job of a sales person, he might not be aware about your customer's selection of choice.

Buyer can even change their decision or can even cancel the purchase if they find another better product to replace the existing choice. Even factors like long queue at the counter, complex payment system or impolite behavior of the employees might change the buyers' decision. A negative buying experience can also change the buying decision. To handle such buyer's' behavior, buying process needs to be simplified. An intense research on buying decision and shifting customer needs can help enterprise to plan their forthcoming marketing strategies.

Post Purchase Decision

The post purchase behavior includes the dissatisfaction with the products purchased. If it happens customers will not recommend the products or the brand to their friends or relatives, else they will recommend it to the people they know.

Manufacturers want to satisfy their buyers by making the product in accordance with the buyer's choice and requirements. But still, if you fail, you need to work harder and conduct more intense online customer survey. Only the customized products and quality service will assure the post buying behavior to impact the business positively.


The process of making buying decision includes all the steps explained above. You can actually learn about how buyers make decisions about what, how and when to buy the products. This study is driven by the buyer's' psychology.

To build the most powerful and effective marketing strategies to drive your customers to make purchases, studying their buying psychology is crucial. Buyers' online behavior is just the part of it!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Find out Why Magento Solr Extension is Super Hit among Clients

Isn’t it great that your customers’ valuable time will be saved in searching the products they are looking for? With advanced search option, you can actually avoid annoying your customers. Allow them to search the products by setting several filters like colors, size, price etc. This is what our clients did to make their customers happy by offering great shopping experience.


Let’s have an insight into what our happy clients have to say on this:

1.Company:- Essential Aids

Excellent service

“The staff at Biztechcon were excellent. They were responsive to my queries and maintained dialogue despite some teething problems and customization work required on the extension. In the end it worked well, so we’re very happy.”

Our client, Essential Aids felt our staff is helpful, and we actually are!

2.Company:- Bike Mania

Excellent Search

“We’ve been working with BizTech Consultancy for a while now and every project has been smooth and quick. They are professional, friendly and easy to work with.

This is a product that works and is fast and trouble free. This developer listened to what we had to say and implemented it quickly.

Our customers are now able to find products 10x better than the built in search. I definitely recommend this search extension and the developer. We’ve since used them for other projects.”

Our client, Bike Mania recommends Magento Advance Search with Solr extension! It has helped their storefront to offer better customer experience.

3.Company:- Home Furnishings UK

Solr- Well Worth It

“I had been having problems for several months with my Magento sites slowing and freezing and tried several options and I must admit, several developers. Magento as we know is a huge resource user and with its built in re-indexer, it can be painful using this platform to say the least.

However the Solr extension solved my problems literally overnight and have had no issues with my clients from that day onwards. Not the cheapest extension on the market but you only get what you pay for.

The site owners are happy and the customers can view and browse the site without problems.

The support was first class so all in all, credit where credits due.”

Our client, Home Furnishing UK is able to provide their customers, speedy search option discarding traditional method to display the products in their Magento website. Now their customers are quite happy and satisfied.

With all the above mentioned feedbacks, our team of professional developers is geared up for enhancements. Reliability is our priority and customer satisfaction is our forte!