Showing posts with label html email templates design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label html email templates design. Show all posts

Friday, 10 July 2015

Hidden Secrets Behind Every Successful Email Template Design

It’s high time in the marketing field to sustain in the furious competition. Email newsletters, may not be the newest method to target the audience, but it is definitely a crucial aspects that affects your brand identity. Email newsletters are used to promote your products and get buyers, visit your website. It can also be taken as the first impression of your business on your customers. So it has to be eye-catchy and convincing at the first glance, it is not, your email marketing campaign will become the biggest nightmare.


Are you thinking that only the design matters? No, even the content should have the quality to explain the objective of the newsletter. The decision, whether to close or whether to read the email newsletter is decided in the first five seconds. Can your email newsletter pass the 5 second test? If yes, congratulations and if now, get ready to make your email newsletters worth reading. Creative subject lines and attractive template design makes your emails noticeable.

This article will help your emails to stand out in the receiver’s inbox, which will ultimately increase the conversion rate.

Let’s get started with goal setting and rest aspects will follow it!

Set your Goals

First of all, if you have included email marketing as the part of your marketing campaign, set a goal. Decide, with what aim your company is willing to implement email marketing campaign. Is it for spreading awareness about the achievements, product promotion or whatsoever? Once the objectives are set and the target market is decided, now is the time to start the brainstorming.

Define and frame your idea creatively. It should be striking. Take help from team of sales and marketing professional to understand the latest email design trends. It should reflect your business personality, vision and approach. Collect the essential information like the innovative idea, attractive email design and quality content to build a newsletter that would simply make your readers fall in love with.

Wake your Audience Up

Time to give your audience something out of the box, but just the catchy subject lines is not enough. Nowadays personalized professional emails are trending. Who would not like to be addressed by their names in the business emails? For instance, “Hi Jack” sounds more convincing than just a simple “Hi or Hello” in the email content. With this practice, lead generation can be made easy. This method will help you build a strong and reliable relationship with your customers making your email marketing campaign successful.

Visuals Impact More

Try something different from the traditional email newsletter design format. Following the same pattern like every company does while creating template design is not compulsory. Cross the benchmark by staying away from the linear layout. Try new colors, designs etc. and leave a visual impact on your readers. Make them smile; make them feel valuable, by offering out of the box email newsletter. Do not forget to add relevant and relative content to the email design you built. Seeding the right approach will make the campaign effective.

Golden Rules for Email Template Design

1.Keep the files clean and tidy

We create two different groups in Photoshop files i.e. text and image. This way, developers get a clear idea when different elements are used together. If a PNG is used, it can be inserted into a different file while the text is inserted into the text file.

2.Keep the Design Consistent

To make the email newsletters look consistent, after you finish designing the newsletter, always create a new layer below the text to impose new elements, so that design does not look as if the text and images are overlapped.

3.Give Space to Text

Add the content in a clear manner; don’t let the important line break. Give space to the text to expand on either of the sides.

4.Add GIFs

Adding GIF to your email template design will make it attractive. It will allow your readers to leverage a delightful experience while reading the newsletter.

5.Keep the Design Horizontal

If you are using multiple columns of text, then keep the design horizontal. I make the debugging simple and easy.

Make your emails design template unique and creative to increase the chances of it getting recognized.