Showing posts with label cms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cms. Show all posts

Monday, 22 January 2018

7 Fantastic Tips to Optimize Your WordPress Website


Ever since WordPress CMS came into being; it has been associated with one word. And that is “ease.” And why not? It enabled the technically challenged individuals to set up a fantastic blogging platform without coding. Encouraged business enthusiasts to set up fantastic looking WooCommerce storefronts. With all due enthusiasm and glee, thousands of business owners, news creators and writers jumped into this WordPress movement. They hired WordPress Development Services from a company and set up a website.

1. The Pre-Launch Ponderings

If you are about to launch your WordPress Website, you need to get in touch with a company that offers superior quality WordPress Web Development Services. Whether you already have a WordPress Website or are planning to launch a new one, we have come up with a guideline that you can follow. These pointers will help you boost the performance and ROI of your website. So, here we go:

2. Invest in Website Hosting

To overcome these obstacles, you need to find a hosting service provider and spend on hosting solution. But before you get your website hosted from a third-party, you need to ask them certain questions.

3. Choose SEO friendly Themes

WordPress themes need to be SEO optimized too. If you approach a company offering WordPress Web Design Services, you can ask for their guidance in choosing the right theme for your website.

4. Install Cache Plugins

If you are running a WooCommerce website and want to boost your sales, investing into a cache plugin makes it easy for your customers to navigate amongst different product pages easily. You can get in touch with a company offering Ecommerce solutions to know about a similar plugin.

5. Categorize and Systematize

When you are maintaining a WordPress Blog, it is quite likely to cover a wide range of topics. Need to create categories for your blogs and put them under different content categories.

6. Create WordPress Tags

Whether you are managing an already existing website or are willing to bring changes to your existing tag status, make sure that it is free of keyword stuffing.

7. Get Rid of Spam Comments

If you want to keep thriving with your website successfully, you must bid goodbye to the spammers. There is a lot more you can do when you want to launch your website or bring changes to the already existing one. But for novice WordPress website owners, taking care of the above-mentioned points suffices.

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Friday, 7 October 2016

The 7 Best Things About Wordpress Website Maintenance


Keeping your WordPress website well maintained gives you a great sense of accomplishment. But it would require you to take care of many aspects of your website, some of them easy to accomplish, some of them not so, due to their technical nature. However you wouldn’t know what to fix if you don’t know it’s broken. So today, we will talk about the various elements of your WordPress that you need to take care of, to keep it in top shape.

This blog post is mainly a handy guide to WordPress website maintenance. Implementing these best practices and tips is guaranteed to keep both search engines and visitors happier.

1. Get Backup Of Your Website Often

It is one of the most important tasks that you are supposed to do regularly, and one of the most ignored one. Even though backing up does not keep your website clean and fresh, this helps if some trouble arises. So, always have backup of your WordPress website on a monthly basis. Not only this, you can also backup daily blogs, weekly news, etc. – these are good for corporate websites. You can take a backup of your website through hosting provider or by downloading local copies of your website through FTP. WordPress plugins marketplace has numerous plugins that automatically backup your website completely. If you don’t find any plugin you can get your own custom wordpress plugin developed.

2. Keep Your Website Updated

If you are keen to maintain your WordPress website, you must update it from core. You should update installed themes, Plugins – their latest versions regularly. Luckily, WordPress brings out its latest version often to offer their users more advanced features & security fixes. What you need to do is, login to your WP site at regular intervals and update WP Plugins, themes and core WordPress files.

3. Eliminate Unused Plugins

WordPress Plugins are an ideal way to enhance functionality of WP site. But using them excessively may affect the performance as well as the security of a website itself. If you aim to have successful website, you need to delete Plugins which you have not used so far and most likely will not use in future too. You basically have to turn off the plugins and then delete them; But before you delete any plugin, take a closer look at all the plugins to see which ones you are using and which ones you aren’t.

4. Optimize Your Database

Database is where all your website content is stored. This includes blogs, images, videos, pages, settings and many things. As your website grows, your database begins to get stuffed, which in turn slows down the website’s speed. If you want to enhance your website’s performance, then you need to optimize your database. Using plugins, you can easily optimize the database of your website and improve its speed. Using a combination of different plugins you will be able to remove spam comments, unwanted posts, unwanted post revisions, etc. You can use plugins to also optimize the underlying MYSQL database tables.

5. Focus On Your WordPress Security

Majority of WP users overlook the security factor of their website. Security is one of the central factors which needs to be taken care of. If you want to safeguard your website from other security threats and hackers, you need to install reliable WP Plugins that can protect your website from malware or virus. Apart from these there are some security best practices that you should follow – delete the user account with the default username “admin” and create a new admin account with a unique username, keep the password strong with a combination of capital and small letters, numbers and special characters, limit login attempts for users to avoid brute force attack, keep all the plugins and themes always updates, etc

6. Keep A Check On Your Website Speed

If you aim to attract more visitors, you must provide them fast loading pages. It is a wll known SEO fact now that the website speed directly affects the rankings of your website on search engines. Fortunately, there is Google’s PageSpeed insight which offers a tool to grade your site’s load time and then offers tips to augment it. You can use this tool to find out your website’s speed and improve the speed using the recommendations provided.

7. Manage Website Content Regularly

Updating and managing content is very easy with WordPress; after all it is a Content Management System. You have to create content on your own, share it with your target audiences and engage with people who are commenting and reading it. Three key elements you need to think about are, 1) Publishing regularly 2) Sharing Content 3) Managing subscribers & comments. By taking care of these three points, you will be able to encourage your audiences to come back regularly.


As you can see from the above points, WordPress maintenance does not need to be tricky or time consuming. Follow some of the maintenance best practices and use plugins judiciously wherever you have to. But no matter how you do it, please make sure that you take care of the above points as best as you can to avoid the shock of one day finding that your website has been hacked by some hacker group and you don’t even have a backup of your old site!