Marketers bombard us with tons of adverts every day. Whether they are roads, bus stands, washrooms or theatres; every inch of space has some or other kind of advertisement. In fact, we have come to a stage where they no longer overwhelm us. We have a glimpse at them for few seconds and then look away. A similar scenario stands true for online space. Every website you visit, there are pop-ups. And somehow, we always tend to click on “No Thanks”
But look at this from a website owner’s perspective. Isn’t it disappointing to witness visitors leave from your website? Of course, it is! And that is why you need to hire professionals who offer pay per click management services. Remember, if you use PPC adverts strategically and effectively; they are one of the best inbound marketing tactics.
Through this blog, we will provide you with some tips to create PPC adverts that will get you clicks. So, here we go:
1. Make a Sales Copy That Rocks
This is the first thing that any company offering PPC services does. You need to create an impeccable sales copy. Also, your sales copy should have the following aspects:a) Display the price
Create an advert that displays the price. By doing so, you will attract genuine buyers. Add the price – whether with or without discount in the add.b) Use Call-to-Action
Although very much in trend, call-to-action is a perfect way to tell your clients what they should do. By doing so, you will be able to lead your visitors to click on your advert.c) Give Them the Assurance
If your customer is buying from you for the first time, you need to build the trust for your brand and give them the assurance that they are dealing with a trustworthy company.d) Have It, Flaunt It
If your product has new features, make sure you write a crisp and short description about them in the advert. If you approach a good digital marketing company having quality writers, they would be able to provide a good description of your products and their features.2. Track the Journey of Visitors
PPC marketing involves experimentation at a lot of stages. Tools like Google Analytics of great help when you want to track the journey of your customers.3. Be Competitive with Prices
Speak with any company that offers expert SEO services and they will ask you to be competitive with your prices. Your prices should not be too high or low but just within the right range.4. Make Buyers Feel Special
You must make the customers feel like they have struck gold. Even if they have not. It would make the buyers feel like they saved money by buying from you.PPC marketing is nothing but a combination of conversion friendly design, marketing tactics and good offers. We hope the above mentioned PPC tactics will help you to generate good amount of leads.
View original Source: https://www.biztechcs.com/blog/tips-create-ppc-adverts-people-click/